Tuesday 12 March 2019

Attending Seminar

My wife, even if not really in good condition, attended a seminar yesterday in Maasin City. I was worried about her health condition, but I need to trust God for it because what she had done was a call of her job.

I just prayed and prayed to God every time I felt something strange. This is the only way, I could do for my wife.

Thursday 7 March 2019

Caught Up Cold and Cough

One of the things that the doctor told us is that my wife should not get any infection especially cold and cough. That's the reason why she's been told to wear face mask.

But two weeks ago, I noticed her coughing. I just didn't not bother because I was thinking that it might be because of the colder temperature here at night. And just few days ago, I noticed again, that everything is fine already.

However, last night, I found her sneezing, and coughing. I think, it's not good anymore. I need to bring here to the doctor.

But we have no money at all. That even for food, we almost have nothing. I am really worried now. I don't know what to do.